EFT Mentoring Monthly calls with Eda

These monthly 60-90 minutes group sessions are open to EFT level 2 students and Accredited & Certified EFT Practitioners who are looking to improve their EFT knowledge further, learn, grow and have fun at the same time.


  • Meet other like-minded practitioners and students.
  • Support with complex and challenging cases.
  • Bring along specific problems you’ve come across in your EFT work.
  • Reflecting on personal and professional development.
  • Tap on issues coming up in your practice.
  • Looking at boundary issues.
  • Share your breakthroughs, ideas and success.
  • Discuss matters arising from your practice.
  • Building business practice.
  • Improving technical skills, knowledge and understanding.

If you are a Member of EFT International, it is also a requirement that you participate in a minimum of 6 hours of mentoring per year, taken either as one-to-one sessions with an approved EFT International Trainer, in a group or a combination of both. The minimum membership is 6 months.

By registering with the membership, you agree to the terms and conditions of the membership